Sunday 18 April 2010

What is Graphic Design... Image...'In love with Lament' by Glenn Arthur

Glenn Arthur's work is some of which I have been the most impressed with recently. Each image in this series portrays the same two women, one blonde, one dark... always nude, the blonde always crying. Two birds, one white, one black are also another constant. They have strong sense of 'right and wrong' portraying this as 'light and dark'. What I get from the images is sin, and the girl with the blonde hair as having a conscience... but each person I have asked has different views.
He prides himself on his art being created by his own hand, by paint and mixed media... never by computer. I love how enthusiastic he is about his work, describing it as a hobby which takes up his life.

"My work is a way for me to push the emotional boundaries and break the taboos and censorships of our so called modern society!!!"

What is Graphic Design... Image

What is Graphic Design... Image

What is Graphic Design... Image

What is Graphic Design... Image

What is Graphic Design... Type... GlassJAw logo

For fans of this band and others in this genre... this logo is iconic and immediately recognisable. A really clever use of simple typography merging the 'G' for glass and 'J' for jaw. T-shirts have sold in the hundreds of thousands and are available in at least 30 different colour combinations.

What is Graphic Design...Type... Typography experiments by Francisco Bustamante

What is Graphic Design... Image...Posters by Francisco Bustamante

What is Graphic Design... Image and Type

What is Graphic Design... Image and Type

What is Graphic Design... Image and Type... 'Lolita''